Routing number for Florence Bank is a 9 digit bank code used for various bank transactions such as direct deposits, electronic payments, wire transfers, check ordering and many more. Routing numbers are also known as bank routing numbers, routing transit numbers (RTNs), ABA numbers, ACH routing numbers. Routing numbers may differ depending on where your account was initially opened and the type of transaction made.
Florence Bank is a FDIC Insured Bank (State Savings Bank) and its FDIC Certification ID is 23293. The RSSD ID for Florence Bank is 279105.
The EIN (Employer Identification Number, also called IRS Tax ID) for Florence Bank is 41332530.
Florence Bank Routing Number
Routing Number for Florence Savings Bank in MA (for all transaction types) is 211871688
Find Florence Bank Routing Number on a Check
The best way to find the routing number for your Florence Bank checking, savings or business account is to look into the lower left corner of the bank check. Find all routing number for Florence Bank in the below table.
Routing Number
State, Zip
Massachusetts, 01062
**Address mentioned in the table may differ from your branch office address. Routing number of a bank usually differ only by state and is generally same for all branches in a state.