Routing number for Independent Bank MI

Routing number for Independent Bank MI is a 9 digit bank code used for various bank transactions such as direct deposits, electronic payments, wire transfers, check ordering and many more. Routing numbers are also known as bank routing numbers, routing transit numbers (RTNs), ABA numbers, ACH routing numbers. Routing numbers may differ depending on where your account was initially opened and the type of transaction made.

Independent Bank MI is a FDIC Insured Bank (State Member Bank) and its FDIC Certification ID is 27811. The RSSD ID for Independent Bank MI is 636771.

The EIN (Employer Identification Number, also called IRS Tax ID) for Independent Bank MI is 380861665.

Independent Bank MI Routing Number

The routing number for Independent Bank MI is 072402652. This routing number is valid for all transaction types.

Find Independent Bank Routing Number on a Check

The best way to find the routing number for your Independent Bank checking, savings or business account is to look into the lower left corner of the bank check.
Independent Bank MI routing number on check
Find all routing number for Independent Bank in the below table.

Routing NumberBankAddress**State, Zip
072402652INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
072407000INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
072407123INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
072408708INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
072412354 072402652INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
072412972INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
072412985 072402652INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
072413560 072402652INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
102104419INDEPENDENT BANKSTE. 312 MCKINNEYTexas, 75069
111024548 111916326INDEPENDENT BANKSTE 312 MCKINNEYTexas, 75069
111904817INDEPENDENT BANKSTE. 312 MCKINNEYTexas, 75069
113009341 111916326INDEPENDENT BANKSTE 312 MCKINNEYTexas, 75069
113025147 111916326INDEPENDENT BANKSUITE 312 MCKINNEYTexas, 75069
272471124 072402652INDEPENDENT BANK115 E MAIN ST BELDINGMichigan, 48809
**Address mentioned in the table may differ from your branch office address. Routing number of a bank usually differ only by state and is generally same for all branches in a state.

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ABA Routing Number: Routing numbers are also referred to as "Check Routing Numbers", "ABA Numbers", or "Routing Transit Numbers" (RTN). The ABA routing number is a 9-digit identification number assigned to financial institutions by The American Bankers Association (ABA). This number identifies the financial institution upon which a payment is drawn. Routing numbers may differ depending on where your account was opened and the type of transaction made. Each routing number is unique to a particular bank, large banks may have more than one routing number for different states.

ACH Routing Number: ACH Routing Number stands for Automated Clearing House (ACH). This routing number is used for electronic financial transactions in the United States. ACH helps to improves payment processing efficiency and accuracy, and reduce expenses. Banks offer ACH services for businesses who want to collect funds and make payments electronically in batches through the national ACH network. ACH routing number is a nine digit number. The first four digits identify the Federal Reserve district where the bank is located. The next four numbers identify the specific bank. The last number is called as a check digit number which is a confirmation number. ACH Routing Numbers are used for direct deposit of payroll, dividends, annuities, monthly payments and collections, federal and state tax payments etc.

Fedwire Routing Number: Fedwire Transfer service is the fastest method for transferring funds between business account and other bank accounts. It is used for domestic or international transactions in which no cash or check exchange is involved, but the account balance is directly debited electronically and the funds are transferred to another account in real time. To complete a wire transfer, the sender must provide his bank name and account number of the recipient, the receiving account number, the city and state of the receiving bank and the bank's routing number.